Who Can Benefit?
Astenor Energy
Spring asthenia
Spring asthenia is a form of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition where the change of seasons can affect you at a physiological level. It can make you feel more tired than usual at the start of spring and make you feel that you lack the strength to perform daily activities.
Astenor Energy contains arginine aspartate, vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, as well as to normal functioning of the nervous system and to normal psychological function.
Astenor Energy may help fight tiredness and fatigue with its energy providing ingredients and may provide you with the energy you need for your daily activities.

Physical and intellectual asthenia
Asthenia is a complex and multidimensional disorder that affects people on a physical, mental, intellectual and sexual level. In general, asthenia is associated with a feeling of generalized fatigue, exhaustion, lack of initiative, lack of desire to undertake activities and inability to cope with the daily routine of life.
Astenor Energy contains arginine aspartate, vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, as well as to normal functioning of the nervous system and to normal psychological function.
Astenor Energy may help fight tiredness and fatigue with its energy providing ingredients and may provide you with the energy you need for your daily activities.
Chronic treatments and polymedication
Treatment for long-lasting (chronic) conditions and use of use of multiple medicines (polymedication) is becoming more common, especially in the older population, and can lead to increased side effects, including tiredness and may also lead to liver damage.
Astenor Energy contains vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
Astenor Energy also contains arginine. One of the most important functions of arginine is its involvement in the Urea cycle, where it has an important role in the removal of toxic ammonia from the body (via the kidneys) by its conversion to urea [Bessman 1957]. Arginine has been found to have a protective effect on the liver [Chattopadhyay 2009, Al-Dalen 2016].
Astenor Energy may help fight tiredness and fatigue with its energy providing ingredients and may also protect the liver.

Liver Disease
People with liver disease may experience chronic fatigue as well as liver damage.
Astenor Energy contains vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
Astenor Energy also contains arginine. One of the most important functions of arginine is its involvement in the Urea cycle, where it has an important role in the removal of toxic ammonia from the body (via the kidneys) by its conversion to urea [Bessman 1957]. Arginine improves the progression of diseases of the liver by protecting the function of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts [Chattopadhyay 2009] and detoxifying the liver [Al-Dalen 2016] and has been found to have a protective effect on the liver [Chattopadhyay 2009, Al-Dalen 2016].
Astenor Energy may help fight tiredness and fatigue with its energy providing ingredients and may also protect the liver.
Menopause can cause many changes in women and can result in physical, sexual, intellectual and psychological symptoms. Levels of oestrogen (a female sex hormone) drop around the time of menopause, meaning that postmenopausal women may also be at higher risk of osteoporosis due to bone loss associated with reduced oestrogen levels [Ji 2015].
Astenor Energy contains arginine aspartate, vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, as well as to normal functioning of the nervous system and to normal psychological function. Lack of magnesium has been linked with osteoporosis in women after menopause [Capozzi 2020].
Astenor Energy also contains arginine, which may play a role in improving bone density in patients with osteoporosis [Goel 2018]. Arginine deficiency has also been linked with a risk of endothelial dysfunction (a type of non-obstructive coronary artery disease) [Klawitter 2017].
Astenor Energy supports women during the important change in their life that they experience during the menopause.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. Insomnia can lead to symptoms including sleepiness during the day, fatigue, grumpiness and problems with concentration or memory.
Astenor Energy contains vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, as well as to normal functioning of the nervous system and to normal psychological function.
Astenor Energy also contains arginine. L-arginine affects sleep because it’s a nitric oxide precursor. When nitric oxide is released in the blood, it relaxes blood vessels. This helps to relax endothelial cells (the single cell layer lining blood vessels) and neurons (the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world) in the brain. Nitric oxide is therefore important in the regulation of the sleep-awake states [Cespuglio 2012].
Astenor Energy may improve sleep and help fight tiredness and fatigue with its energy providing ingredients.
Restrictive diets
When following a restrictive diet, there is a risk of nutritional imbalances. There may also be a risk of liver overload as a result of the metabolism of proteins and the build-up of toxic ammonia in the liver.
Astenor Energy contains vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, as well as to normal functioning of the nervous system and to normal psychological function.
Astenor Energy also contains arginine, which has an important role in removing toxic ammonia from the body (via the kidneys) [Bessman 1957].
Astenor Energy may provide you with the energy you need for your daily activities and may protect your liver.

Pregnancy trimester 1
During the first trimester of pregnancy, from week 1 to the end of week 12, expectant mothers can experience nausea and vomiting as well as fatigue.
Astenor Energy contains vitamin B6, which may help treat nausea during pregnancy [Sridharan 2018, McParlin 2016], possibly due to its role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy [Simpson 2010].
Astenor Energy also contains vitamin B7 (biotin) and magnesium, which, along with vitamin B6, contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, as well as to normal functioning of the nervous system and to normal psychological function.
Astenor Energy also contains arginine, which plays a key role in pregnancy and foetal development [Hsu 2019].
Astenor Energy supports women during pregnancy.
The pressure to do well at school and have good exam results is a constant worry for parents of school-age children. Children can become tired or ill and feel that they can no longer concentrate and that their memory capabilities are decreasing.
Astenor Energy contains arginine, which is an essential amino acid (the building blocks of proteins) for children (cannot be produced by the body, so you have to get it from food or supplements). Arginine promotes cellular and organismal growth and supports the release of growth hormone [Oh 2017, Kanaley 2008]. Growth hormone stimulates the immune system enabling fast energy recovery during colds and flu, as well as after childhood diseases. It also improves memory, concentration and learning [Plech 2003, Guerra 2016], helping children perform well at school.
Astenor Energy also contains magnesium, which also contributes to the proper functioning of memory. It has been found that an increase in brain magnesium improves learning and memory functions [Slutsky 2010].
Astenor Energy also contains vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which is one of the essential B vitamins that your body needs for several functions. Your body cannot produce vitamin B6, so you have to get it from food or supplements. It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and, in combination with magnesium, helps to reduce fatigue and exhaustion by helping to make the red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout your body and help you feel energized. The immune system is critical in preventing infection and cancer, and lack of vitamin B6 may weaken different aspects of the immune system to undermine immunity [Qian 2017, Rall 1993].
Astenor Energy supports children on their road to success.

Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins, mainly in the legs. The main trigger of varicose veins is high blood pressure in the veins of the legs (venous hypertension). Varicose veins can cause aching pain and discomfort.
Astenor Energy contains arginine, which is the only precursor of nitric oxide that reduces venous hypertension by opening blood vessels and by regulating blood flow and constriction of blood vessels (venous tone). Nitric oxide has been shown to have an important role in the regulation of venous tone and contributes to resting venous tone in healthy human subjects [Blackman 2000].
Premenstrual syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of symptoms that many women get about a week or two before their period. Most women, over 90%, say they get some premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, headaches or migraines and moodiness.
Astenor Energy contains magnesium. It has been found that magnesium supplementation is effective in the prevention of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual migraine [Parazzini 2017].
Astenor Energy supports women during all stages of their life.

Astenor Forte

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, especialy at work. It happens when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained and unable to continue with your daily routine. Symptoms of burnout include feeling tired and drained most of the time, as well as lowered immunity, frequent illnesses, loss of motivation and depression.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which may be effective in the prevention and therapy of fatigue associated with stress and burnout [Dell’Erba 2000, Camic 2010].
Astenor Forte may reduce stress and help overcome tiredness and fatigue.
Convalescence, or the time spent recovering from an illness, injury or medical treatment, can often be difficult and it can take a long time before you fully recover your strength and health.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which is one of many amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) the body needs to function properly. It has several important functions in the body, including healing wounds and injuries and supporting the immune system. Lack of key amino acids has been linked with slower recovery after injury [Askanazi 1980] and arginine supplementation has been shown to make muscle recovery easier [Couto 2015].
Astenor Forte may help you on your way to recovery.

Muscle cramps and pain
Muscle cramps and pain may be caused by many reasons, including overuse of a muscle, dehydration, muscle strain or simply holding a position for too long.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which improves blood flow in the body and takes part in the energy metabolism of the muscles. It may therefore help in providing better oxygen transport to the muscles thereby preventing muscle cramps. One of the most important functions of arginine is its involvement in the Urea cycle, where it has an important role in the removal of toxic ammonia from the body (via the kidneys) by its conversion to urea [Bessman 1957]. Arginine is therefore important in the removal of ammonia during conditions where there is an excess of ammonia in the blood (hyperammonaemia), which can influence performance, especially during extreme exercise [Wilkinson 2010]. It also stimulates protein synthesis and helps reduce muscle tiredness and enables faster recovery [Maréchal 1999, Bescós 2012, Tsai 2009]. In addition, it can help avoid muscle cramps [Poux].
Astenor Forte also contains malic acid, which supports creatine biosynthesis in muscle cells, increasing muscle performance and ensuring rapid recovery [Tyka 2015]. Malic acid has been shown to reduce muscle pain [Abraham 1992].
Astenor Forte may help reduce muscle cramps and pain.
Sexual asthenia
The most common symptom of sexual asthenia is reduced libido (sex drive). This is a common problem that affects many men and women at some point in their life. Reasons for reduced sex drive may include relationship issues, stress or tiredness.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which is one of many amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) the body needs to function properly. Arginine improves blood flow in the body and may dilate blood vessels increasing flow to erogenous zones and helping to improve arousal. Arginine supplementation has also been found to be effective in helping to treat mild to moderate erectile dysfunction [Rhim 2019]. Arginine may also be effective in the prevention and therapy of fatigue associated with stress [Dell’Erba 2000, Camic 2010].
Astenor Forte may help you on your way to an improved sex life.

Mental and physical overload
The constant pressures and demands of everyday life can result in mental and physical overload, when we feel no longer able to cope and become irritable and lack energy. This can also lead to difficulties in learning and concentration. These are in fact signs of prolonged exposure to stress (either mental or physical), which leads to an increase in the amount of ammonia in the liver and an increase in the amount of lactic acid in the muscles.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which may be effective in the prevention and therapy of fatigue associated with stress [Dell’Erba 2000, Camic 2010]. Arginine is also is an antioxidant (fights oxidative stress) [Gupta 2005] and may play an important role in reducing stress-induced damage to the brain, improving memory and slowing aging [Pervin 2021].
Astenor Forte may reduce stress and help you overcome periods of mental and physical overload.
The time spent recovering from surgery can often be difficult and it can take a long time before you fully recover your strength and health.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which is one of many amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) the body needs to function properly. It has several important functions in the body, including healing wounds and injuries and supporting the immune system. Lack of key amino acids has been linked with slower recovery after injury [Askanazi 1980] and arginine supplementation has been shown to make muscle recovery easier [Couto 2015]. Arginine supplementation in surgical patients has been found to have a beneficial effect on the immune system helping to prevent infections after surgery [Daly 1988]. It has also been found to improve recovery and decreases the time spent in hospital [de Luis 2004].
Astenor Forte may help you on your way to recovery.

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast-growing cells (mainly cancer) in your body. Side effects of chemotherapy drugs can be significant and often include tiredness and fatigue and may also lead to liver damage.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which may be effective in the prevention and therapy of fatigue [Dell’Erba 2000, Camic 2010]. One of the most important functions of arginine is its involvement in the Urea cycle, where it has an important role in the removal of toxic ammonia from the body (via the kidneys) by its conversion to urea [Bessman 1957]. Arginine has been found to have a protective effect on the liver [Chattopadhyay 2009, Al-Dalen 2016]. Arginine supplementation has also been found to improve the outcome of chemotherapy patients [Heys 1998, de Luis 2004, Schön 2003-5], most likely due to its role in increasing the production of nitric oxide [5].
Astenor Forte may help you on your way to recovery.
Pregnancy trimesters 2 and 3
The second and third trimesters of pregnancy, from week 13 to the end of week 26 and from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy, are a vital time in the development of your baby. Everything from lung development to toenails and hair occurs during these stages of the pregnancy. It can also be a time when women need more energy and strength because the pregnancy makes daily activities more tiring than before the pregnancy.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which promotes cellular and organismal growth and supports the release of growth hormone [Oh 2017, Kanaley 2008]. It therefore plays a key role in pregnancy and foetal development [Hsu 2019]. Studies have also demonstrated that treatment with arginine during pregnancy may help prevent and treat preeclampsia, a dangerous condition characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine, that usually develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy [Camarena Pulido 2016, Dorniak-Wall 2014].
Astenor Forte supports women during pregnancy.

The postpartum (or postnatal) period begins immediately after childbirth as the mother’s body, including hormone levels and uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state. The birth of a baby can trigger many emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety, and even depression. But it can also lead to tiredness and fatigue from the strain put on a woman’s body.
Astenor Forte contains arginine, which is one of many amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) the body needs to function properly. It has several important functions in the body, including healing wounds and injuries and supporting the immune system. Lack of key amino acids has been linked with slower recovery after injury [Askanazi 1980] and arginine supplementation has been shown to make muscle recovery easier [Couto 2015]. Arginine supplementation has been shown to optimize healing following a caesarean section [Hicks-Roof 2018]. Arginine may also be effective in the prevention and therapy of fatigue [Dell’Erba 2000, Camic 2010].
Astenor Forte may help you on your way to recovery after childbirth.
Sport Performance
People wanting to keep fit, amateur sports lovers and professional athletes all need extra energy to complete their activities.
Astenor Forte contains malic acid, which helps to increase the body’s energy levels, especially in the hypoxic phase during training. Malic acid is important for those who train for endurance sports events, such as long distance running or cycling, providing improved performance when taken regularly.
Malic acid functions as an integral part of the digestive process, which stimulates a more efficient release of energy from nutrients, when cells do not have enough oxygen, as happens in the later stages of a sporting event.
Astenor Forte also contains arginine, which can improve the sustained physical activity of athletes by removing ammonia from the liver, which can influence performance, especially during extreme exercises [Wilkinson 2010]. It also stimulates protein synthesis and helps reduce muscle tiredness and enables faster recovery [Maréchal 1999, Bescós 2012, Tsai 2009]. In addition, it can help avoid muscle cramps [Poux].
Astenor Forte may help you to perform at your best.

Post-COVID-19 syndrome
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The most common symptoms of COVID-19, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Even when the initial COVID-19 infection is over long-term symptoms can persist, including tiredness and fatigue, problems with memory and concentration (‘brain fog’) and difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
Astenor Forte contains arginine. Supplementation of arginine has been shown to helps to lower the inflammatory state and promote normal physiological recovery, reducing time spent in hospital and shortening recovery times [Ferrara 2020]. Arginine may also be effective in the prevention and therapy of fatigue [Dell’Erba 2000, Camic 2010].
L-arginine also affects sleep because it’s a nitric oxide precursor. When nitric oxide is released in the blood, it relaxes blood vessels. This helps to relax endothelial cells (the single cell layer lining blood vessels) and neurons (the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world) in the brain. Nitric oxide is therefore important in the regulation of the sleep-awake states [Cespuglio 2012].
Astenor Forte also contains malic acid, which is directly involved in the Krebs cycle, a process that the body uses to obtain energy. Reduced amounts of malic acid in Covid-19 patients were found to result in altered energy metabolism and hepatic (liver) dysfunction [Andrade Silva 2021]. Lower malic acid concentrations were also found in patients who died from COVID-19 compared with patients that had only mild symptoms [Wu 2020].
Astenor Forte may help you on the road to recovery after COVID-19 infection.