Can Astenor help my recovery from illness, injury or surgery?

Astenor contains ingredients that may improve your recovery from illness, injury or surgery. Arginine is an amino acid (building block of proteins). It has several important functions in the body, including healing wounds and injuries and supporting the immune system. Lack of key amino acids has been linked with slower recovery after injury [Askanazi 1980] […]

Can Astenor improve my brain function?

Astenor contains ingredients that may improve brain function. Vitamin B6 has a role in lowering levels of homocysteine [Moradi 2021] that may help with improving brain function [Rutjes 2018]. Biotin is one of the few vitamins that passes into cerebrospinal fluid. It may therefore have a role in improving memory and maintaining mental health [Kennedy […]

Can Astenor improve my mood?

Astenor contains ingredients that may improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Symptoms of depression have been linked to low intake of vitamin B6 [Odai 2020, Moore 2019]. While supplementation of magnesium has been found to reduce anxiety, stress [Boyle 2017] and depression [Szewczyk 2008].

Can Astenor improve my energy levels?

Astenor can help fight tiredness and fatigue with its energy providing ingredients. Astenor Energy is a tonic and energizing formula for daily use. Astenor Forte is the formula that supports the body’s energy recovery and muscle performance, ideal during demanding workouts.

Can Astenor be used during pregnancy?

Before taking Astenor, it is recommended to consult a specialist. In the first trimester of pregnancy, you can take Astenor Energy. For the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, Astenor Forte is recommended.

Is Astenor also recommended for diabetic patients?

Diabetic patients can take Astenor Energy because the product does not contain sugar. Astenor Forte contains sugar, therefore if you use insulin or have diabetes you should first consult your doctor.

Can I take Astenor if I am a professional athlete?

Both Astenor Energy and Astenor Forte can be taken by professional athletes. They contain no banned substances and can be taken safely. Astenor Energy is a tonic and energizing formula for daily use. Astenor Forte supports the body’s energy recovery and muscle performance, ideal during demanding workouts.

Can children be given Astenor products?

Yes, the entire Astenor range can also be used by children. Astenor Energy can be used from the age of 11 and Astenor Forte can be used from the age of 12. Astenor contains Arginine, which is an essential amino acid for children. It cannot be produced by the body, so you have to get […]

Is it possible to alternate taking Astenor Energy and Astenor Forte?

Yes, you can alternate taking the two types of Astenor. During periods of mental and physical stress, it is recommended to use Astenor Forte 1-3 ampoules of oral solution / day, and for extra daily energy, you can continue with Astenor Energy 1-2 ampoules of oral solution / day.